Welcome to the website of the Korea Arts Promotion Agency.
This is a beautiful art space open for culture lovers.
Starting with the opening of Huam Gallery in Insa-dong in 2001, the Korea Arts Promotion Agency established the Foreign Exchange Artists Association in 2006, and hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade at the World Major Art Museum and played a major role in art education at universities.
Now, the Korea Arts Promotion Agency will run theKorea Art History Museum, National Arts Broadcasting, Huam Art Center to share works, communicate with the public, and revitalize the art world.
In addition, we will form a better Korean Wave art culture through joint planning by the National Cultural Development Committee and the Overseas Exchange Artist Association.
I hope you will find your dream and true life through the Korea Arts Promotion Agency.
Thank you.
Kim Soonok(Ph.D.), President of Korea Arts Promotion Agency